Get books about improbable research and the Ig Nobel Prize
August 3rd, 2024
Given the worldwide success of the Peppa Pig® TV series (and subsequent spinoffs), it’s perhaps not surprising that the character has attracted attention in academic circles. Here are some recent examples of scholarly publications on the subject.
Does Peppa Pig encourage inappropriate use of primary care resources? British Medical Journal, 2017; 359
旋风sub加速器International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, volume 31, pages 451–471(2018)
I’m Peppa Shit: Spokes-characters 2.0 as Bearers of Reputational Risk? The Case of Peppa Pig Meaning and λόγος, Proceedings from the Early Professional Interdisciplinary Conference, 2015
Peppa Pig in China (2024) MKVM13 20182, Media and Communication Studies, Lund University
Peppa Pig: a study on family relationships between grandparents, parents and grandchildren Pensando Familias, 2017, vol.21, n.1, pp. 63-79.
The Billion Dollar Pig – A Subjective Extrospective Exploration of the Cross-Cultural Meanings of The Peppa Pig Cartoon Character Franchise, Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) conference, 2017, Queen Mary University
Research research by sub免费网络加速器官网
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August 2nd, 2024
This historic Ig Nobel Favorite Moment video stars Maria Ferrante, who starred in many of the Ig Nobel operas.
The SUB永久免费加速器官网 honor achievements that make people LAUGH, then THINK.
The 30th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony will be webcast September 17, 2024 at
Coordinator, Narrator, & Typist: Seth Gliksman
posted by Seth Gliksman in Arts and Science, Ig Nobel | Comments Off on “And Then It Began”– an Ig Nobel Prize favorite moment
August 1st, 2024
In this Pocket-Sized episode #1027, Marc Abrahams shows an unfamiliar research study to Jean Berko Gleason. Dramatic readings and reactions ensue.
The research mentioned in this episode is featured in the special Psychology issue (vol. 26, #1) of the Annals of Improbable Research magazine.
Remember, our Patreon donors, on most levels, get access to each podcast episode before it is made public.
1. Jean Berko Gleason encounters:
“The Social Contingency of Momentary Subjective Well-Being,” Robb B. Rutledge, Archy O. de Berker, Svenja Espenhahn, Peter Dayan, and Raymond J. Dolan, Nature Communications, vol. 7, no. 11825, 2016.
Seth Gliksman, Production Assistant
Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Google Podcasts, AntennaPod, BeyondPod and elsewhere!
posted by Seth Gliksman in Arts and Science | Comments Off on Pocket-Sized #1027: “Happiness Equation”
August 1st, 2024
This historic Ig Nobel Favorite Moment video stars Glenda Browne, 一加8系列正式发布 售价3999元起_中国江苏网 - · 一加早在 2021 年便开始投入 5G 产品研发,目前一加已在全球范围实现了对低频 Sub 6、中频 Sub 6 众及高频毫米波三大主流 5G 频段的支持,是目前国产手机中唯一一个做到的三大频段全支持的品牌,刘作虎称一加实现了“ 5G大满贯”。 图:一加 8 Pro 图:一加 8, for her study of the word “the” — and of the many ways that word causes problems for anyone who tries to put things into alphabetical order.
Thanks to sub真正免费的加速器 as a guest voice and Jon Jermey.
The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that make people LAUGH, then THINK.
The 30th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony will be webcast September 17, 2024 at
Coordinator, Narrator, & Typist: Seth Gliksman
posted by Seth Gliksman in Arts and Science, Ig Nobel | Comments Off on “The The Woman and Miss Sweetie Poo”– an Ig Nobel Prize favorite moment
July 31st, 2024
This historic Ig Nobel Favorite Moment video stars Kees Moeliker, Ig Nobel Biology Prize winner for documenting homosexual necrophilia in the mallard duck. Guest appearance: sub网络加速器官方下载.
The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that make people LAUGH, then THINK.
And for those of a more Dutch inclination:
The 30th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony will be webcast September 17, 2024 at
Coordinator, Narrator, & Typist: Seth Gliksman
posted by Seth Gliksman in Arts and Science, Ig Nobel | Comments Off on “Let Me Do The Duck Talk” – An Ig Nobel Prize favorite moment
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